"SHOOTING HEROIN" (2020) | RATED - R | 90 mins
A small town community comes together to eliminate heroin by whatever means necessary.
GENRE: Action, Revenge, Cause
SYNOPSIS: The heroin/opioid epidemic is a crisis destroying small town America and our youth. One small town has had enough, and they will do whatever it takes to eliminate heroin from its community by whatever means necessary.
Our last film, "Generational Sins" released in over 20 major cities and today continues to air on television and theaters around the globe. Just recently our movie was shown in South Africa on one of the country's main national channels. We tell you this to give you some background on the potential to see your work and efforts in this movie to be seen to a very wide audience. We have learned a lot since our last movie that was shot in Central Pennsylvania and Central Florida two years ago. We are ready to bring this knowledge and wisdom to make this film our best and biggest movie in our joint production companies history.

My Next Feature Film (written June 2018)
I was in the middle of making another movie when the story of “Shooting Heroin” broke into my life’s trajectory. I was visiting my hometown in Central Pennsylvania for Christmas last year when I was confronted by the devastation of the Opioid Epidemic that has struck in America. Where I was raised is not unique from many small towns and the heart of this country where illicit and deadly drug use is on the rise. Here are some shocking facts that have opened my eyes to this crisis:
• On average, 115 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose (CDC, 2017)
• Opioids Are Now Responsible for 1 in 5 Deaths Among Young Adults (Time Magazine, 2016)
• President Donald Trump makes the Opioid Epidemic a National Emergency (White House, 2017)
While visiting home for the holidays I heard countless heart breaking stories of families and lives devastated by this epidemic. This film is about a small town community that comes together to confront their feelings of frustration, rage, and loss over the effects of this phenomenon in our country. This is a movie of hope in the idea of taking responsibility for our own towns, families, and ourselves.
I haven’t lived in Pennsylvania for many years, but it is still home. I cannot stand by and watch so many friends and members of my community be taken over by this epidemic. This movie is a call to all of America to reach out to those suffering or under the weight of addiction in our own lives. It is a call to action but with a commitment to all individual’s well being no matter what the cost. This story is based on real events with a fictional ending that very well could become a reality if nothing continues to be done to stop the spread of opioids. This epidemic doesn’t discriminate and none of us have to look far to see the carnage in our midst.
Drug addition and Opioids are ravaging America. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their lives to drug abuse, and it will only get worse unless action is taken. This cautionary tale is a call to action for us all to unite to save the heart of America.
Writer & Director